International Conference on Data Integration Systems in the Life Sciences (ICDISLS - 25)

3rd - 4th January 2025 Sumgait, azerbaijan (Hybrid Event)

Call for Paper
  • Data Integration Systems in the Life Sciences
    Common data models, elements, and standards
    Ontology mappings and evolution
    Large-scale data analysis for the life sciences
    Architectures and data management techniques for the life sciences
    Query processing and optimization for biological data
    Biological data sharing and update propagation
    Query formulation assistance for scientists
    Modeling of life sciences data
    Schema-matching in life sciences datasets
    Privacy-preserving data integration and management
    Data owner sensitive data sharing
    Biomedical data integration issues in eScience
    Laboratory information management systems in biology (including workflow systems)
    Biomedical metadata management (including provenance)

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